Western Australia

Perth and the larger towns have the usual range of restaurants. Australian influenced Thai, Chinese and cafes are common. Pubs can usually be relied upon for an evening meal in most towns and roadhouses have a range of sandwiches, burgers and sometime more substantial cooked meals. Trips away from the major towns will probably require some amount of self-catering.


– an item you wouldn't expect to come out of wa is the opulent black fungus that's favoured by trendy restaurants in the better part of town. while the local variety isn't considered to be equal to it's european counterparts, it exhibits the characteristic taste and smell that justifies the high prices it demands. truffle growing in the state is still in its infancy but in recent years the industry has grown large enough to support two festivals. at the end of may the truffle affaire (http://wineandtruffle.com...) in manjimup is a day-long event with capacity limited to the 100 epicureans indulgent enough to pay $245 for trufflesque tours, hunting and eating. somewhat more egalitarian is the mundaring truffle festival (http://www.mundaringtruff...) held at the end of july where you can wander between a multitude of truffle related stalls while you wait for the next free food talk or demonstration. the $10 entry fee lets you see and taste quite a bit.

Marron is a freshwater crayfish unique to WA.

The Carnarvon area grows fresh capsicum, chilli peppers and paprika with a long harvest season.